announcing the 2025 summit


For more than a decade, THE HUDSON VALLEY LEADERSHIP SUMMIT has been the premier leadership training event of the Hudson Valley. Specifically designed for church workers and Christian leaders across all levels of ministry and leadership, the Summit is a one-day, intensive training experience imparting practical skills and fresh insights to take your leadership to the next level. We hope you and your team will join us on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at The Mission Church, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Panel 1




In early 2024, the Assemblies of God Executive Presbytery appointed Wilfredo “Choco” De Jesús to the position of executive director for AG U.S. Missions. He will fill the unexpired term of Malcolm Burleigh, who has announced his planned retirement. Pastor Choco is currently a member of the AG Executive Presbytery and the Executive Leadership Team, having served as general treasurer for the Fellowship since 2019.

As a layleader, pastor, executive presbyter, and then executive officer for the Assemblies of God, Pastor Choco has continuously exhibited an overwhelming passion for missions, at home and abroad.

Having led New Life Covenant Church in Chicago for 19 years before being elected as general treasurer, Pastor Choco saw the congregation grow to 17,000 adherents in multiple locations. He led the church by example, as he and his family invested themselves in missions through financial and verbal support and personally taking part in multiple missions trips. He also led the church in establishing the Chicago Dream Center, creating a home for women recovering from addiction, and numerous other ministries focusing on reaching the often overlooked, feared, or despised with the gospel message.

Panel 2


The Mission Church

4101 Rt. 52, Holmes NY 12531 | 845.878.3380

The Hudson Valley Leadership Summit will be held at The Mission Church.  Located in NY’s beautiful Hudson Valley, our spacious facility and hospitable staff are looking forward to serving you with excellence and making your experience at the Summit enjoyable and life transforming.  For more information, check out  For directions, visit this link.

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